
Joomla Blog

Tutorials, reviews, case studies and other tips to help website owners and website developers master the Joomla content management system.

Joomla Beat #47 - Passwords

Joomla Beat #47 - Passwords

In the latest episode of Joomla Beat, I join host Peter Bui to discuss some rules to consider when creating passwords.

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30645 Hits

How Safe is Your Website?

How Safe is Your Website?

Who is Hosting This? has produced an interesting infographic with some security stats for Joomla and WordPress.

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CloudFlare Brings Joomla Optimization and Security to the Rest of Us

CloudFlare Brings Joomla Optimization and Security to the Rest of Us

We, like many in the web development world, have been slightly obsessed with optimization lately. Joomla is somewhat known for being difficult to optimize well for both speed and security, so it's seen as slow and insecure by some in the web development world. It can even feel that way for Joomla site developers who can't quite get their heads around how to configure things properly. Is Joomla really that difficult to optimize? Is the bad rep it gets deserved? In this article, we discuss a solution that may solve most of the problem for almost everyone...and it's dead simple.

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44468 Hits

Captcha Wants to Know - Are You a Human?

Captcha Wants to Know - Are You a Human?

CAPTCHA is one of the most used and hated pieces of technology on the web. It almost defines the term "necessary evil" while driving website visitors completely insane. Webmasters love the fact that it can cut spam on their sites to almost nothing, and website visitors sometimes completely abandon their form submissions over frustratingly garbled words and numbers.

People have lamented over and over, "There must be another way!" Well, there are other ways, and we'll look at one in this article. This alternative, however, could be just as controversial as CAPTCHA itself.

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28504 Hits

Joomla! Project Releases Version 3.0.1

Joomla! Project Releases Version 3.0.1

This week the Joomla! Project released a security update for the Joomla 3 series. This update addresses a low priority XSS vulnerability in the Joomla Core as well as introducing a new feature and fixing 47 tracker issues.

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Google Webmasters Warning

Google is informing Joomla users of outdated versions of their sites.

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Admin Tools Review

Joomla's great, but it can't do it all. For example, even beginner web developers know that the way to access the login page for a Joomla website admin panel is to simply add "/administrator/" to the root URL of the website. That's convenient, but it can also leave a website vulnerable to hackers who might try to brute-force their way into your site. This article reviews an extension that makes it easy to fix common Joomla vulnerabilities.

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21560 Hits